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There is a special type of object we use to handle data on different pages where the order matters.

The problem

Here is the problem we face when dealing with feeds. (Infinite scrolling feeds on mobile apps/web apps)

Let's say we have two types of pages in our app that have feeds.

  • Home Feed - Which contains many posts
  • Profile Feed - Which contains many posts created by that user, liked by that user or even shared by that user.

Everytime we visit the Home Page we need to see the Home Feed, when we click on a Profile Page, we need to see the Profile Feed for that user id. The order in which the posts come in is important.

When we add a new object to the store, we need to update a given feed.

Let's say we create a new Post and the server returns the new Post, now we add it in the store, then next thing we need to do is add it to our Profile Feed where the userId is our id, and we need to add it to the Home Feed.

The solution

Instead of manually handling adding a Post to certain pages after some action, it would be better if the post just adds itself and sorts itself correctly.

This is why we have createRelationalObjectIndex(). We can create an index that sorts our objects and maintains an index for us to perform select operations on.

Setting up createRelationalObjectIndex()

First we need to define an index and pass it to our createStore() function.

const user = createRelationalObject("user")
const image = createRelationalObject("image")
const thumbnail = createRelationalObject("thumbnail")
const post = createRelationalObject("post")

post.hasMany(image, "images")
user.hasOne(image, "profileImage")
image.hasMany(thumbnail, "thumbnails")
user.hasMany(post, "posts")

// Create a postFeed index object.
// createRelationalObjectIndex(name, ORS.RelationalCreator[], sortingFunction)
const postFeed = createRelationalObjectIndex("postFeed", [post], (a, b) => > ? 1 : -1)

const store = createStore({

relationalCreators: [

// Pass all indexes here
indexes: [

identifier: {
user: o => "username" in o,
post: o => "caption" in o,
image: o => "aspectRatio" in o,
thumbnail: o => "uri" in o,

Naming, Creating and Selecting from the object index

One important thing to note is how object indexes are named.

We named the index postFeed

We selected the data using store.selectIndex()

Important Links

Read up on createRelationalObjectIndex() and __indexes__ for more information

const postFeed = createRelationalObjectIndex("postFeed", [post], (a, b) => > ? -1 : 1)

When we upsert data into this feed, we need to specify the name-uniqueKey. The uniqueKey can be anything. If this index contained posts related to a particular userId, the name would have been something like postFeed-1.

store.mutate({...myPost}, {__indexes__: ["postFeed-home"]});

When we select data from this index using a name, we need to use name-uniqueKey to identify the index and pass a selector for that object

Important Links

Read up on store.selectIndex() for more information

const homeFeed = store.selectIndex(
// The name of the index (name-uniqueKey)
// This index contains post objects, so pass a selector for post
// This is optional
post: {
from: "post",
fields: "*",

Using the object index for pagination

Lets do this using examples.

We will make use of withOptions() here.

Home Page

Here we retrieve many posts from a server.

import { posts } from "./data.js";

// We got many posts from our API request.
// Endpoint: /home
const results = posts;

// Here we upsert these posts into the store.
// We also use __indexes__ to tell the store that these posts belong to the index 'postFeed-home'
store.mutate(withOptions(results, {__indexes__: ["postFeed-home"]}));

// With a custom selector for posts
const homeFeed = store.selectIndex(`postFeed-home`, {
post: {
from: "post",
fields: ["id"],

// Without a custom selector
// const homeFeed = store.selectIndex(`postFeed-home`)

console.log("homeFeed", homeFeed)

We received all posts in decending order because of our sort function Run node index.js and you should see this in the terminal.

homeFeed [ { id: 10 }, { id: 9 }, { id: 8 }, { id: 7 }, { id: 6 } ]

Profile Page

// ...Home Page Code...

// Endpoint: /user/1

// In reality, all the results will belond to user 1 so we just upsert it like this.
// store.mutate(withOptions(results, {__indexes__: ["postFeed-1"]}));

// However, in this example, posts contain everyting, even user 2 posts, so we will filter it
store.mutate(withOptions(results, {__indexes__: o => === 1 ? ["postFeed-1"] : undefined}));

const profileFeed = store.selectIndex(`postFeed-1`, {
post: {
from: "post",
fields: ["id"],

console.log("profileFeed", profileFeed)

We received all posts in decending order because of our sort function Run node index.js and you should see this in the terminal.

profileFeed [ { id: 8 }, { id: 7 } ]
homeFeed [ { id: 10 }, { id: 9 }, { id: 8 }, { id: 7 }, { id: 6 } ]

Add a new post.

Let's say we scroll down on the Profile Feed and we get a new post that belongs to user 1. We want that post to be present on the Profile Feed but not on the Home Feed.

If you've done a feed, I'm sure you know why that is.

However, if it's not clear, here is a better explaination.

On the Profile Feed, we scroll down and eventually load all posts that were created by that user. When we go back to the Home Feed, we do not want to see those posts on the home feed because the order would be wrong. When you scroll down on the Home Feed, you'll keep seeing the oldest post created by user 1 because the Home Feed is sorted by id.

The Home Feed index and Profile Feed index must maintain a seperate index.

The user created a new post, it needs to be added to both feeds

// ...Home Page Code...
// ...Profile Page Code...

// The user created a new post, it needs to be added to both feeds
const createdPost = {id: 11}
store.mutate(withOptions(createdPost, { __identify__: "post", __indexes__: ["postFeed-1", "postFeed-home"] }));

console.log("profileFeed", store.selectIndex(`postFeed-home`, {
post: {
from: "post",
fields: ["id"],

console.log("homeFeed", store.selectIndex(`postFeed-1`, {
post: {
from: "post",
fields: ["id"],

Run node index.js and you should see this in the terminal.

profileFeed [ { id: 11 }, { id: 8 }, { id: 7 } ]
homeFeed [ { id: 11 }, { id: 10 }, { id: 9 }, { id: 8 }, { id: 7 }, { id: 6 } ]

Remove a post.

The user deleted a post/hide a post, it needs to be remove from both feeds

// Delete the post that was added
// store.mutate({id: 8, __identify__: "post", __destroy__: true});

// Keep the post, just remove it from the index(s)
store.mutate({id: 8, __identify__: "post", __removeFromIndexes__: ["postFeed-1", "postFeed-home"] });

console.log("profileFeed", store.selectIndex(`postFeed-home`, {
post: {
from: "post",
fields: ["id"],

console.log("homeFeed", store.selectIndex(`postFeed-1`, {
post: {
from: "post",
fields: ["id"],

As you can see, post with id 8 has been removed from both indexes Run node index.js and you should see this in the terminal.

ProfileFeed [ { id: 11 }, { id: 10 }, { id: 9 }, { id: 7 }, { id: 6 } ]
homeFeed [ { id: 11 }, { id: 7 } ]